Cinque Terre


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发布时间:2022-05-10 作者: 浏览次数:


16IACP年会将于2022623-27日(周四周一)在武汉举行。会议将采用混合模式。所有平行会议将在线举办,而所有特别会议将以混合模式举办(取决于 COVID-19 情况)。会议注册已经开始,提早注册时间为202254-31日,注册截止日期为610日(周五)。计划在会议上做学术报告的作者,请务必于610日或之前注册并缴纳注册费,否则您的论文将不会被纳入会议日程。


The 16th IACP Conference will be held during June 23-27, 2022in Wuhan. The conference will be in a hybrid mode. All the parallel sessions will be hosted online, while all the special sessions will be hosted in hybrid mode (depending on the COVID-19 situation). The registration website is now open. The early bird registration starts on May 4, and the deadline for the early bird registration is May 31. The deadline for registration is June 10, 2022. The Conference will NOT schedule presentations for participants who register after the deadline.


1. 注册


Please note that we have two registration platforms for this year’s conference.





1IACP Platform:

The IACP Platform is for two groups of participants: 1) IACP members (China and oversea), and 2) non-member conference participants who work/study outside of China. Please contact IACP at  regarding your registration at the IACP Platform.

2HUST Platform:

The HUST Platform is for Non-IACP-member who work/study in China (including Hong Kong, Macau, & Taiwan). Please contact our local host Huazhong University of Science and Technology at if you have any problem with this platform.


2. 缴费


1Registration fee: The conference registration is free for IACP members (China and oversea) who paid their membership fees before February 1, 2022. Other participants will pay the registration fee according to the following fee table.

*1 “Overseas” refers to those participants who work/study outside of China.

*2 “Member” refers to those who have their membership paid by February 1, 2022.








2Account Information of HUST:

Account Name: 华中科技大学

Bank Name: 中国建设银行武汉喻家山支行

Account No.: 42001127145050000610-0001

Bank No.: 105521000893

Remittance Note: "IACP + participant's name + abstract number (if any)".


3)注册表填写注意事项:您在线填写注册表时,请务必提供您所有论文的Abstract ID(如果您通过华中大平台注册,在多个ID之间请用逗号隔开)。如果Abstract ID在注册表中漏填或者缺失,我们将无法安排您的论文报告。您可以在我们四月份发出的会议论文接收邮件通知中找到Abstract ID

3Registration Form: In addition to some personal information, you will be asked to provide abstract IDs when filling the registration form. Please include ALL the IDs of your accepted papers (Please separate multiple IDs with commas when you register on the HUST Platform). The abstract ID can be found in the notice email of paper acceptance that we sent to you in April. 



Please be noted that if you want to cancel your registration due to personal reasons, please submit a refund application to IACP or HUST Platform before June 17, 2022. The registration fee is not refundable after June 17, 2022. We look forward to seeing you on June 23, 2022. 




Organizing Committee of the 16th IACP Annual Conference

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学院地址:湖北省武汉市洪山区珞喻路1037号 华中科技大学南四楼N104室