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第7届城市与景观“U+L新思维”国际学术研讨会暨“博克▪远景”杯全国大学生概念设计竞赛 (一号通知)

发布时间:2016-07-23 作者:李敏 浏览次数:

第7届城市与景观“U+L新思维”国际学术研讨会暨 “博克▪远景”杯全国大学生概念设计竞赛(一号通知)










Professional Guidance Committee in Landscape Architecture of Higher Education

Chinese Landscape Architecture Journal

Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST)


Wuhan Landscape Architectural Design Institute

Hubei Poetic Landscape Design and Engineering, LLC

Wuhan Yuanjing Planning & Design Co., Ltd.

New Architecture Journal


Conference Theme: Urban design from the perspective of Landscape Architecture


In the process of the construction of new urbanization inChina, more and more interdisciplinary integration of landscape architecture, urban and rural planning and architecture highlights the importance of urban design. It also reflects strong vitality in the urban construction as a multi-disciplinary field. We notice that, in the past, landscape architecture has provided a lot of theoretical support for urban design. In the future, as an important trend it will also play a more important role in the integration, penetration, mutual learning and exchange in both disciplines. The same historical mission and social responsibility will make the landscape architecture and urban design to absorb nutrition from each other and other subjects.Therefore, how to think about the urban design in the perspective of landscape architecture? How to consider the role of landscape architecture in urban design? Urban design from the perspective of landscape architecture needs the participation of the whole world and more attention from you!

一、会议议题 Conference Topics







1) Education

Landscape Architecture Education and Architecture, Landscape Architecture Education and Urban and Rural Planning, Landscape Architecture Education and Landscape, Landscape Architecture Education and Environmental Art, Landscape Architecture Education and Urban design.

2 ) Theory

Recreation space and urban design, Ecology and urban design, Outdoor space and urban design, Park green space and urban design, Urban green space system and urban design, Heritage protection and urban design, Rural design, Characteristics and features of urban landscape, Water sensitive urban design, Green Infrastructure.

3) Practice

Landscape oriented urban design practice

二、组织委员会 Organizing Committee



Chairman: Yang Rui(杨锐)

Members: Wan Min (万敏), Wang Shaozeng (王绍增), Wang Weihua (王伟华), Rang Yumin (让余敏), Li Baofeng (李保峰), Li Xiaofeng (李晓峰), Li Jingqi (李景奇), Jin Hexian (金荷仙), Gao Chi(高翅), Huang Yaping (黄亚平), Tan Gangyi(谭刚毅), Cai Xinyuan (蔡新元), Xiong Heping (熊和平), Dai Fei (戴菲), Dong Hexuan(董贺轩)

三、时间及地点 Schedule and Venue



1) Schedule 18th November 2016, Registration19th - 20th November 2016, Conference

2) Venue Huazhong University of Science and Technology (1037 Luoyu Rd., Wuhan, Hubei Province) (湖北省武汉市武昌珞瑜路1037号)

四、会议征文 Call for Papers









1) Paper requirements

All papers must be unpublished and not against the copyright. Authors shall not have academic misconduct.

All papers and works should not be submitted to other conferences or competitions at the same time.

All papers must be sent to the specified email address:

Please write the paper according to the theme and the topic of the conference. The writing requirements of the thesis are shown in Appendix 1.

2) Full paper submission deadline: 10th October 2016

3) Notification of paper acceptance: 15th October 2016

4) Publication of selected papers: Selected papers will be published in the conference proceedings and some excellent papers may be published in Chinese Landscape Architecture or New Architecture.

五、设计竞赛 Design Competition



















1) Competition Theme: Landscape Architecture-led open block reconstruction

2) Competitors

Students in related disciplines (landscape architecture, urban planning, architecture, landscape design, and art design) inChina(including Hong Kong, Macao andTaiwan). Senior undergraduate students, postgraduate students, and doctoral students are all welcome.

3) Competition requirements

l Individual or group participation, with no more than 3 members in a group. Each student can only submit one piece of work. Each work can have 1~2 guidance teacher, no more than 2 teachers can participate in the guidance of the work.

l All contents must be original, and shall not contain any violations of intellectual property rights of the third party. In case of infringement, the organizer shall not bear any joint and several liability.

4) Work requirements

l Self-selected design background and site, no limits on presentation format.

l Two sheets of A1 paper (594x841mm), no mounting.

l Name and address of authors (including email address) should be seal up non-transparent on the lower right corner on the back of the A1 sheets.

l Hard copy and digital copy of work (CDs) should be mailed to the sponsors.

l Digital files should be uploaded within the specified time to:, Sharpness 300 DPI.

5) Competition awards

l Awards:

First class (1 recipient)

Second class (3 recipients)

Third class (6 recipients)

Excellent work (10 recipients)

l Prize:

First class 10000 RMB

Second class 5000 RMB

Third class 2000 RMB

Excellent work 800 RMB

l If awarded, works may be published in Chinese Landscape Architecture or New Architecture. All winning works will be officially published in the conference proceedings.

6) Submission deadline

The design work should be submitted no later than 10th November 2016, to the email address of Al hard copy of the design work should also be mailed to the postal address provided below no later than 10th November 2016 (as shown in the local postmark).

六、会务费 Registration Fee


Do not charge any fees. The transporter fees, accommodation fees and other fees will pay by participants themselves.

七、联系方式 Contacts

2、联系人: 宋明磊老师(17771839513)董贺轩老师(13707136982)
3、联系电话: 027-87543156
5、网页: /
Address: 1037 Luoyu Rd. Wuhan, Hubei Province, 430074
Department of Landscape Architecture, School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Enquiries and contacts: Mr. Song Minglei (宋明磊) Mr. Dong Hexuan (董贺轩)
Tel:(+86) 027-87543156 (+86) 17771839513 (+86) 13707136982

Web: /

附件 Appendix I


1. 稿件须为Word文档(word2003),投稿以6 000字左右为宜(含图、表),要求主题明确、论点新颖、论据可靠、语言简练、具可读性。

2. 来稿书写结构顺序为:中英文题(中文20字以内)、中英文摘要(请用第三人称书写,中文200字左右,独立成文)、中英文关键词(3~5个)、文章主体和参考文献(将参考文献的序号在文中相应处顺序标出。国家级、省部级攻关项目或重点科研项目、各类基金项目所产生的重要论文,请在文稿中注明项目编号。

3. 正文一级标题序号用1,二级用1.1,三级用1.1.1,均左顶格书写。文中涉及的人名、地名、学名、公式、符号应核实无误;外文字母的文种、正斜体、大小写、上下标等应清楚注明;计量单位、符号、数字用法、专业名词术语一律采用相应的国家标准。植物种或品种应标注准确的拉丁学名。

4. 投稿作者需提供个人信息简介,内容包括:姓名、出生年月、性别、籍贯、最高学历、职称或职务、从事学科或研究方向,现供职单位、所在城市、邮编、电子信箱、联系电话。作者为两人以上的,请注明顺序。如有通信作者,请标注,并注明通信作者电子邮箱。作者人数原则上不超过3人。

5. 文章的图片/照片要求:


2)照片要求为数码单反相机拍摄,图片的长边不得小于3 500像素,分辨率不应小于300dpi,单张图片小于5M,照片用Rar、Zip等压缩文件压缩,编号应与文中图号保持一致;


Paper Submission Requirements of the 7th International Conference on Urban and Landscape Architecture: “U+L New Thinking”

1. Manuscript should be submitted in the format of Word documents (word2003), 6000 words or so is appropriate (including image and chart), The theme should be clear and the argument should be novel and reliable with succinct and readable language.

2. Manuscript writing structure order: Title in Chinese and English(within 20 words), abstract in Chinese and English(Please write in the third person, 200 words or so, independent statement), keywords in Chinese and English(3~5 words), the main body and references. (The serial number of the reference should be marked in the article. Papers sponsored by all kinds of fund projects, such as National, provincial and ministerial level key research projects or key research projects should be indicated the project number in the manuscript).

3. Serial number of the first-level title in the main body should be 1, the second-level title should be 1.1, the third-level title should be 1.1.1, all serial number call to write the left grid. People names, place names, scientific names, formulas, symbols related in the paper should be verified correct. Foreign language letters, straight or italic, case, superscript or subscript etc. should be clearly marked. Measurement units, symbols, numeral use and terminology shall adopt the corresponding national standards. Plant species or varieties should be marked accurately the scientific Latin name.

4. Contributing authors need to provide personal information, including name, birth date, gender, nationality, highest degree, titles or positions, discipline or the research direction, current work unit, city, zip code, e-mail, contact phone number. Please indicate the order, if there are more than two authors. Please note, and indicate the communication author e-mail if there is a communication author. The number of authors should be no more than 3 people.

5. Requirements of the pictures or photos of the article:

1) The picture needs to be clear and the color needs to be saturated, size is no less than 15cm*20cm, electronic file resolution should not be less than 300dpi.

2) Photos should be shoot with the digital SLR camera, the long side shall not be less than 3 500 pixels, resolution should not be less than 300 dpi, the size of single picture should be less than 5M, photo should be compressed by RAR and zip file compression software, the number should be consistent with the figure number in the paper.

3) Ensure to use the latest publication of the map of china if it is necessary.

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